Whenever waste, excluding domestic waste, is moved from one place to another a record of the waste transfer must be made. This record can be electronic or a hard copy made on paper and is known as a waste transfer note (WTN) or in the case of hazardous waste a Hazardous Waste Consignment Note (HWCN). These records must be kept for a period of no less than two years and made available for inspection by the Environment Agency (EA) or in Scotland the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) on request. If electronic records are kept it is advisable to make a backup print to ensure the records are not lost.
Further information - Read more
Keep any waste you have secure by storing it in suitable containers or areas which prevent unauthorised access and prevent it from escaping from your control, e.g. becoming windblown or leaking out and causing pollution, bear in mind dry waste which becomes wet with rain could pollute.
A Controlled Waste Transfer Note is a document which must be completed and accompany any transfer of waste between different parties. A Controlled Waste Transfer Note must be created for load of waste that leaves your factory/office/yard/shop/warehouse/etc.
There can be heavy fines for not completing waste transfer notes.
If someone else transports your waste for you:
Check that the person or company removing or transporting your waste is a registered waste carrier and is authorised to take your waste.
If you are transporting your own waste to a site for disposal or recovery - check the site is authorised to take your waste. You can do this by checking Environment Agency public register and asking the operator of the site to show you their exemption registration or environmental permit.
When you transport waste for someone else must be sure the law allows you to take it. Make sure the person giving you the waste describes it in writing. A waste transfer note must be filled in and signed by both parties. You must keep a copy of the transfer note for a minimum of two years.
For more information on registering as a waste carrier click here England - Wales click here Scotland
As a householder, you do not need to complete a waste transfer note for waste produced at your home. Completing the transfer note is the responsibility of the person that collects the waste from you.
This is only an introduction to the duty of care. It cannot be relied on as legal advice.
England - Wales Duty of Care, A Code of Practice (pdf)
Scotland Duty of Care, Code of Practice
N. Ireland Duty of Care, A code of Practice
Environmental Permits
Storing Waste Exemptions
Quality protocols: converting waste into non-waste products
Waste Management Licencing Regulations 1994
The Hazardous Waste (England and Wales)Regulations 2005
The Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011
Waste classification technical guidance (pdf)
The Environment Protection Act 1990
The Controlled Waste Regulations 1992
The Environment Act 1995
Waste batteries
WEEEE reuse and treatment
Septic tanks and treatment plants: permits &general binding rules
Access the public register for environmental information
SIC Code
EWC Catalogue - List of Wastes (pdf)
Brochure, leaflet, stationery design and print.