Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes

Three Part Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes

Whilst these hazardous waste consignment notes will suit more than 90% of situations they do not cover all possibilities. For example there are no ABPR or grazing information listed which would be needed if you were transporting animal by products.

If you are unsure if our HWCN fulfil your requirements please telephone 01922 475768 or 07891 470268 and we will advise you if these notes are suitable for your needs.

Completing The Hazardous Waste Consignment Note.

Section A
Section A contains the consignment note code and the names and addresses of the holder of the waste, producer of the waste (if not the current holder) and the name and address the waste will be take to.

Section B
Section B contains the description of the waste. This description must be accurate and should be completed by the current holder (Consignor). There is sufficient room to list two different wastes. All boxes should be completed where applicable and the information should enable the waste to be handled safely. Information required in section B includes: process giving rise to the waste, producer SIC code, waste description, LoW code, quantity, chemical/biological composition (inc. concentration % or mg/kg, physical form, hazard code, container type, UN identification number, shipping name, UN class, packing group, special handling requirements. These details stretch over two rows of boxes, both rows must be completed for each waste. The LoW code appears on the first and second row of the waste description, to save any confusion enter the LoW code on both lines.

Section C
The carrier's certificate, to be signed by the carrier. Include, date, time, vehicle registration number, carriers registration number or reason for exemption, address details. This section must be signed by the carrier in the presence of the consignor.

Section D
The consignor's certificate, which must be signed in the presence of the carrier.

One of the HWCN copies is then left with the consignor, usually the white copy but it does not really matter. this copy must be safely stored by the consignor for inspection by the Environment Agency if required.

Section E
The consignee's certificate to be completed when the waste is delivered. LoW codes and quantities to be completed as the load is checked and must match the details given in section A. The carrier's vehicle registration number is again included. The consignee's permit number is added and name and address completed. This address may be the same as Section C. This section should then be signed in the presence of the carrier.

The carrier and the consignee each keep a copy of the HWCN for their records. It must be retained and be available for inspection by the Environment Agency.

Each hazardous waste consignment note measures 297mm high x 210mm wide (approx). There is no numbering of the notes to allow for your own numbering system or to compliment your accounts system.  

Get Personal

Our off the shelf waste notes and hazardous waste consignment notes are suitable for most purposes. However, they can be personalised and altered to fit your exact requirements. Some companies prefer to combine waste notes with invoices or alter the size of the page for example.There is no standard waste transfer note format.

We can design a waste note to suit you with your details already added. You can combine more than one document e.g. waste note and a delivery note or waste note and an invoice. So long as a minimum your waste note contains:

A description of the waste in words and as a code.
How the waste is contained or packaged.
The quantity of the waste.
The name, address, permit or exemption details of the business transferring the waste, and their Standard Industry Code (SIC)
The name, address, permit or exemption details of the business collecting the waste
The date of, and place where, the waste transfer happened
The details of any waste broker or dealer who arranged the waste transfer

Our off the shelf waste notes and hazardous waste consignment notes are suitable for most purposes. However, they can be personalised and altered to fit your exact requirements.

You can:

Alter layout, size, shape to suit you.
Add personal details and company logo.
Include tick boxes for LoW number
Combine it with another document such as delivery note or invoice.
Add sequentially numbered.
Choose up to 5 parts per set
Printed in black or colour.
Can be printed on reverse (usually for terms and conditions).
Print in sizes A5 (210 mm x148 mm) to A3 (420 mm x 297 mm).

If you only want to add your address and licence number a self inking stamp will be cheaper, call for costs.

See the different formats available in this short video 

3 Ralston Close
Walsall WS3 3XS

Phone:  01922 475768
Mobile: 07891 470268